Intellectual, emotional + Physical safety

Safety is not just a buzzword; it's the foundation for successful innovation. In an Innovation Center, safety should always encompass physical and mental well-being. When all stakeholders are secure, they are more likely to take creative risks, collaborate effectively, and push the boundaries of what's possible.

TMSP is dedicated to helping you build a culture of safety and diversity within your Innovation Center. Here's how we do it:


We will thoroughly assess your current workplace culture, identifying areas where physical, mental, and emotional safety may need improvement. This assessment will involve surveys, interviews, and observations to gain a complete picture.

Tailored Recommendations:

We will provide you with a customized set of recommendations based on the assessment findings. These will cover various aspects, including culture development, staffing policies, physical infrastructure, communication strategies, and leadership development.

Training and Workshops:

To ensure the successful implementation of these recommendations, we will offer training and workshops for your stakeholders, staff, and leadership. These sessions will focus on building emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and diversity and inclusion practices in every aspect of your space.

Creating a Safe and Diverse Culture:

Our goal is to help you establish a physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe culture comfortable with diversity because this culture will attract talent and foster an environment where all ideas are welcome.

Here are the benefits you can expect:

Enhanced Creativity:

Safe and valued stakeholders are more likely to express their unique perspectives and ideas, leading to increased creativity and innovation.

High Attraction and Retention:

A safe and inclusive workspace is where the comradery, fun, and interdisciplinary thinking/doing that define a productive community is found.

Improved Decision-Making:

Diverse teams make better decisions. By embracing diversity, you'll tap into a broader pool of perspectives, leading to better choices and outcomes.

Positive Reputation:

An Innovation Center that prioritizes safety and diversity will gain a positive reputation, attracting talent and collaboration opportunities.

By partnering with TMSP, you're just investing in equipment and physical space – you're investing in a transformative ecosystem that empowers every stakeholder to reach their full creative potential.