The Hatchery

Advised the Boston College, Hatchery development team for 18 months to establish the principal infrastructure and initiatives. Specifically, formulating the operational playbook and cultural strategy that served as the foundation for Boston College’s Shiller Institute for Science and Society and the upcoming Human-Centered Engineering program to: 

  • Attract and maintain the most diverse community of people in The Hatchery

  • Give this diverse community in-depth training on fabrication equipment to facilitate “E.P.I.C.,” an Emotionally, Physically, Intellectually, and Cognitively safe environment.

  • Empower community members to be actively engaged in the operation and development of The Hatchery. This generates a safe environment and inclusive culture, promoting open-mindedness and SHARING ideas.

  • Develop the sharing of ideas enables each community member to ask novel questions and achieve profound personal exploration.

  • Grow profound personal exploration that removes personal, societal, and discipline-imposed restrictions that prevent the invention of new ideas. 

  • Invent new ideas increases community members' sensitivity to patterns and connections between disparate ideas, leading to unfettered creativity and imagination.

  • Perceive new patterns and connections supercharge the community's ability to observe innovative solutions that produce value.


The Foundry Board, Cambridge, MA


"Untitled" Fashion Show