If you are part of an institution that will work with young stakeholders (middle school to college), focus on building organizational structures and initiatives that profoundly and authentically integrate them into the decision-making and operations of your makerspace.

Makerspaces are evolving from mere workshops into vibrant innovation and community engagement hubs. To harness the full potential of these spaces, it is crucial to actively involve your young stakeholders in the decision-making and daily operations of your makerspaces.

This white paper explores the benefits of profoundly and authentically integrating young stakeholders into makerspaces, building organizational structures to support this integration, and its profound impact on creativity, culture, outreach, and retention.

Young stakeholders bring a unique perspective and energy to makerspaces. Their developmental stage enables them to be natural community builders who interact with each other fluidly and rapidly. Integrating them into makerspace governance and operations is essential for ensuring a workspace that resonates with their needs and for harnessing their potential to drive creativity, culture, outreach, and retention.

Benefits of Integration:

  1. Authenticity: Young stakeholders can guide makerspaces through the unique elements of their culture, ensuring the space is honest, correct, and valuable. This authenticity enhances their immediate adoption and engagement.

  2. Innovation: Youthful stakeholders bring fresh ideas and perspectives, driving innovation and sparking creativity within makerspaces.

  3. Community Building: They naturally form friendships and connections, fostering a sense of belonging and community that is invaluable for the makerspace ecosystem.

  4. Targeted Solutions: Young stakeholders often generate hip, targeted solutions that resonate with their peers, enhancing the makerspace's relevance.

Building Organizational Structures:

To deeply integrate young stakeholders into makerspaces, the following organizational structures and initiatives are recommended:

  1. Youth Advisory Council: Establish a council of representatives from different age groups (middle school, high school, and college) to provide input on decision-making, program development, and space design.

  2. Leadership Roles: Create leadership roles for young stakeholders to empower them in organizing events, leading workshops, and mentoring peers.

  3. Cultural Proficiency Training: Offer workshops for staff and volunteers to foster an understanding of the diverse backgrounds and experiences.

  4. Youth-Driven Projects: Encourage young stakeholders to propose and lead projects that address community needs and interests.

  5. Feedback Mechanisms: Implement regular feedback sessions to ensure their voices are heard and acted upon.

Impact on Makerspaces:

When young stakeholders are deeply integrated into makerspaces, the following outcomes can be expected:

  1. Increased Creativity: Infusing youthful ideas and perspectives creates a more innovative and dynamic makerspace.

  2. Enhanced Culture: The community-building abilities of young stakeholders contribute to a positive and inclusive makerspace culture.

  3. Expanded Outreach: Targeted solutions resonate with a broader audience, increasing the makerspace's outreach

  4. Retention: A sense of belonging and ownership increases their long-term engagement.


Integrating young stakeholders into makerspace governance and operations is not just a matter of inclusivity; it is a strategic decision that can drive profound improvements in creativity, culture, outreach, and retention. The energy, creativity, and community-building potential can reshape makerspaces into thriving centers of innovation and inclusivity.

By building the necessary organizational structures and initiatives, makerspaces can empower young stakeholders to shape the future, creating environments that reflect the diverse and vibrant communities they serve.

As makerspaces evolve, their success will increasingly hinge on their ability to recognize the value of youthful voices and leverage their unique contributions.

Artwork: Mikhail Karikis; I ain't got no fear



